#23. nAma 441 to 460

441. HuthAya… He who is gratified through sacrificial oblations

442. HavishE… He who is the Havis offered with the Mantras

443. VrushaNAya… He who is the embodiment of Dharma

444. S’ankarAya… He who gives the highest joy and bliss

445. NithyAya… He who always remains the same

446. VarchasvinE… He who is the great effulgence

447. DhoomakEthanAya… He whose form is fire and smoke

448. NeelAya… He who is of the color of blue diamond

449. AngalubdhAya… He who is present in the phallic emblem

450. ShObhanAya… He who is the source of Auspiciousness

451. NiravagrahAya… He who cannot be baffled by anything / anybody

452. SwasthidhAya… He who gives blessings and prosperity

453. SwasthibhAvAya… He whose form is blessings and prosperity

454. BhAginE… He who receives His share in the sacrificial offerings

455. BhAgakarAya… He who distributes the shares in the sacrifice

456. LaghavE… He who is very nimble and has a great speed

457. UthsangAya… He who is dissociated from all the objects

458. MahAngAya… He who has the mightiest and most perfect limbs

459. MahA garbha parAyanAya… He who is the supreme creator of the stream of Universes

460. KrushNa varNAya… He who is of a dark complexion